Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sanctuaries: Reparations (2010) performs in London - October 13-23, 2010.

Conversations and Intercourse: sound art at Club 21 by Sound artists: Phoebe Legere, Elliott Sharp, Charlie Morrow, Gak Sato, Steve Piccolo, Letizia Renzini, Jacob Kirkegaard, Zimoun + Helena Gough, Ken Ikeda, Gary Chang, Peter Zummo and others...

What would a 21st-century art-club scene look like in today’s world? Experimental artists from around the world will come together to reinvent the concept in Club 21 – Remaking the Scene at One Marylebone, London, October 13-23.

Sound program – conversation pieces

One Marylebone is a deconsecrated church right next to Regent’s Park. Practically everyone who visits Frieze walks right by the church. In the main hall, a large, very good but very simple sound system plays a program of “conversation pieces” that make use of total stereo separation and the reverb time of the hall, specified previously in an invitational call for pieces issued to about 40 among today’s leading sound artists and electronic composers. The works are not played constantly, but according to a precise schedule. The theme of the conversation can extend to performance instructions supplied by the composer/artist, to be performed by audience members, performance coordinators or both.

The sound works are published in a limited edition of three signed copies on individual CDs with identical covers and an identical price.

Many thanks to Steve Piccolo!

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